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FEMtech Success Stories – SBA’s Tanja Šarčević in portrait

From intern to full-time researcher

Tanja Šarčević (researcher at SBA Research) is featured in the latest edition of FFG’s FEMtech Success Stories. Tanja started her research career as a FEMtech intern, working on a project on data anonymisation and machine learning methods. Now, she is a full-time researcher in our MDLM – Machine Learning and Data Management Group.

FEMtech Internships for Female Students support and mentor female students to take up scientific and engineering positions in industry in order to meet the future demand for researchers and R&D experts.

Tanja’s internship is one of 46 FEMtech internships SBA Research has carried out in the period 2011 to 2020. We are very proud to have gained several permanent female employees from these internships in almost every one of our departments or research groups.