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SBA Security Meetup – Risk perception and human (ir)rationality

Watch our latest Security Meetup Risikowahrnehmung und menschliche (Ir)Rationalität on YouTube!

Philipp Reisinger (security consultant at SBA Research) talks about some of the lesser known – and often ignored – factors that influence one’s own risk perception.

Risikowahrnehmung und menschliche (Ir)Rationalität by Philipp Reisinger
Copyright © Clay Bennett

As humans, we are constantly confronted with decisions and risk considerations in both our professional and private lives. Despite the extensive literature and standards on risk management, there is often a “knowledge gap” or blind spot that is not addressed. At the same time, many people and decision-makers assume themselves to be rational, logical, objective and reasonable, and not to be too strongly guided by emotions in their decisions or judgments.

In this presentation, Philipp looks at some of the lesser known and often ignored psychological aspects and unconscious factors that sometimes have a very strong impact on our perception, evaluation and assessment of risks and that lead to partly irrational results.

Talk language: German