E-MINT App – Stefan Jakoubi and Thomas Konrad selected as MINT-experts
Watch Stefan Jakoubi and Thomas Konrad (both SBA Research) on “I am a hacker” – expert tips for parents to encourage their children’s digital curiosity. The story is featured in the E-MINT app, recently released by the Center for Applied Game Studies at Danube University Krems, available for Android, iOS and as a web app.
The E-MINT project
E-MINT – Parents as STEM gatekeepers into the digital world is a project led by the Center for Applied Game Studies at Danube University Krems. The E-MINT project addresses questions surrounding the promotion of digital curiosity in children and young people by parents, such as:
- How can I get my child excited about STEM (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology)?
- How can common gender stereotypes be broken down?
- How can I build STEM competencies at an early stage?
It is specifically designed for parents with children aged 0 to 14.