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AIM@IoT – New Research Project at SBA Research

Christian Kudera (PhD candidate at SBA Research) started his Industrial PhD research project beginning of December.

AIM@IoT – Automated Identification of Security Threats and Malicious Activities in the Internet of Things – aims to collect IoT-relevant malicious empirical data, IoT-centric attack signatures, and IoT-specific technical threat intelligence. Through the utilization of his knowledge on IoT-specific technical threat intelligence, Christian plans to identify compromised IoT devices in the Internet with an active scanning approach. Both, the research community and organizations, will benefit from the derived IoT-specific technical threat Intelligence.

IoT stockpic
Source: Shutterstock

About the Funding Programme:

The FFG Industrial PhD Programme is sponsored by Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung and Österreich-Fonds. The focus lies on funding industrial PhD projects to improve qualifications of research and innovation staff in companies and non-university research institutions.  An Industrial PhD project is performed by an employee of an Austrian company/non-university research institution, who is enrolled as a PhD student at a university during the whole project.

This project is led by SBA Research and supervised by Georg Merzdovnik.

Project Website