ACCSA Simulation Game – SBA participates in Cyber Crisis Management Exercise
On September 28th, the final ACCSA simulation game took place online. The goal was to evaluate the Cyber-Crisis-Management exercise concept (CKM) including its methodologies developed as part of the ACCSA project. Two expert groups, consisting of ministry and stakeholder representatives, were able to practice an escalating cyber crisis scenario in the context of a moderated planning meeting. Participants were, among others, the project partners AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, REPUCO Unternehmensberatung, Infraprotect, T-Systems Austria, University of Vienna (Faculty of Law) and SBA Research, and stakeholders such as the Federal Chancellery, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Defence and

The KIRAS project ACCSA aims to enable comprehensive and innovative training, exercise and evaluation concepts for all actors in state cyber crisis management (CKM) and the like and thereby reduces response times and error rates in the event of a real cyber crisis.
SBA Research co-developed threat scenarios which are used as basis for the training concept for the national cyber crisis management. Furthermore, SBA Research defined the structure of the curriculum and training paths.