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Kick-Off Meeting BRIDGE Research Project GASTRIC

The kick-off meeting of the FFG BRIDGE 1 project GASTRIC (Gene Anonymisation and Synthetisation for Privacy) took place on July 15th, 2020 at SBA Research. The GASTRIC project addresses the challenge to preserve the privacy of individuals taking part in microbiome studies and microbiome sequencing projects. This project will thus consist of three different research strands. First, an analysis on privacy threats in the presence of microbiome data will be conducted. Secondly, anonymization approaches will be adapted for genetic and, in particular, microbiome data. Third, methods for the generation of synthetic data, which can be used to enable privacy-preserving data mining, will be developed for microbiome data.

Solutions for these challenges are vital for the business development of our industrial partner, myBioma, for their current operations, as well as for new products and services.

The project is led by SBA Research. For further information check out the project website or contact the project lead Markus Hittmeir.

This project is funded by the FFG.