Cyber Security Quiz App: SBA emphasizes growing Importance of Security in the Digital World
Security in the digital world is not only one of the main 2020 topics of the association fit4internet in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Digitalization and Business Location (BMDW), but is also centrally dealt with in the new Digital Action Plan Austria. Respective future steps were presented by the BMDW on Monday. Among the most crucial issues: protect devices and accounts against misuse. Protect personal rights, and not lose sight of environmental security and health aspects.

SBA Research, Cyber Security Austria, ovos, (Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunications) and fit4internet developed the app “Cyber Security Quiz” in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Digitalization and Business Location, Digital Austria and FFG.
Download the app: iOS, Android, Web
Futurezone: Neue Quiz-App bringt Cybersicherheit spielend bei Guidance for competence building in the area of “Security in the digital world” New tools for more security online App-Tipp der Woche – Cyber Security Quiz App – Sicher im Internet