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Adrian Dabrowski @ Austrian Computer Science Day 2019

The Austrian Computer Science Day (ACSD) [1] is an annual assembly that brings together computer scientists across Austria from different universities and research centers to improve visibility of the field and foster collaboration in research and teaching. For the first time, a selected group of “Young Experts” was invited to hold short talks about their research and present posters about their dissertation. With financial support of SBA Research and the Information & Software Engineering Group (IFS) of TU Wien, Adrian Dabrowski presented his work from SBA on security an privacy in large-scale infrastructure. He has recently started as a Post-Doc at University of California, Irvine.

[1] https://acsd2019.ai.wu.ac.at/

[2] https://acsd2019.ai.wu.ac.at/timetable/event/poster-presentations/