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SBA gives Awareness Talks @ TGM

Smart & Secure

“How does the internet work, which potential risks am I facing and how can I avert threats?”
SBA was invited to point out the most common security issues in the course of the security awareness initiative at TGM. The permanent accessibility of internet via smartphones comes with a number of potential hazards. Students established a baseline understanding about security and privacy through interactive workshops with Stephanie Jakoubi, Philipp Reisinger, Markus Hittmeir, Matthias Eckhart and Christian Kudera.

Five key take-aways were defined:

Rethink what you share -> once online, forever online

Rethink which pages you surf -> browser privacy mode does not protect you from malware and cyber attacks

Stay updated -> software updates help strengthen your security

Make sure to use encrypted connections -> this is the only way to enhance privacy , e.g. via https

Give attackers and criminals a hard time -> use long and complex passwords