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UberGrape first part of SBA’s Accelerator Program

Leo Fasbender @ IMPACT 2015

UberGrape is the first Start-Up company to become part of the SBA Research Accelerator Program. The cooperation was officially announced during the yearly “IMPACT” event on May 28th.

Their primary product is ChatGrape, an innovative communication solution for companies that intends to displace e-mail for inter-company communication. The solution uses semantic enrichment and integrates deeply into various cloud services such as GitHub, Google Calender, Google Drive and Trello. UberGrape also provides a custom-developed API to easily integrate their service into existing business solutions.

Since companies are a main target group of ChatGrape, Security is a major concern for ChatGrape. In the collaboration, SBA Research will support ChatGrape in terms of Secure Coding, resilience to external attacks and database security.

Article Computerwelt.at
Website of ChatGrape




Leo Fasbender, presenting ChatGrape @IMPACT 2015