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Stefan Pröll and Co-Authors publish the third edition of “MySQL 5.7 – Das umfassende Handbuch”

mysql_5 7Just recently the third edition of “MySQL 5.7 – Das umfassende Handbuch” was published. The book is a comprehensive guide to MySQL 5.7, written by our employee Stefan Pröll in collaboration with Eva Zangerle and Wolfgang Gassler, both employed at University of Innsbruck. Admins and users from novice to expert find all the required knowledge and practical tips for installing, configuring and administrating MySQL database server instances.

The book provides in-depth knowledge of the most important parameters, settings, tweaks and administrative tools and has a focus on practical applications. Central topics are backup strategies, replication, security, permission and rights management, query tuning and optimization, stored procedures, programming interfaces and also the NoSQL integration with MySQL. The authors explain and demonstrate all examples in the book with a considerably large test dataset from a consistent real world scenario. The dataset is distributed with the book and available on the publisher’s website. The book was published in the German language by the Rheinwerk Verlag.