FH St. Pölten is new scientific partner of SBA Research
Since December 2013, the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten is a new scientific partner of SBA Research. Alongside the Technical Universities of Vienna and Graz as well as the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the FH St. Pölten is not only our fifth academic partner, but also the first University of Applied Sciences that participates in the COMET center.
The planned collaboration includes, beside joint research projects, the usage of common resources and the development of new areas. “I’m happy that FH St. Pölten became scientific partner of SBA Research. The FH St. Pölten is known Austria-wide for their high quality, and the proximity between Vienna and St. Pölten also facilitates the expansion of joint research activities”, says Edgar Weippl, scientific director of SBA Research.
“To us, the close collaboration between teaching and research is very important. Our institute for IT security research will be able to further strengthen this connection thanks to the cooperation with SBA Research”, says Johann Haag, vice-rector of FH St. Pölten and head of the study programs for IT security and information security.
Read more here.

The partners from SBA Research and FH St. Pölten at the signing of the contract.