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Sigrun Goluch: homomorphic cryptography. Gentry’s privacy homomorphism

Sigrun Goluch: The development of homomorphic cryptography From RSA to Gentry’s privacy homomorphism

Ever since the discovery of public-key cryptography by Diffie and Hellman in 1976, the necessity for total privacy of digital data has become stronger and stronger, especially since the internet has become an indispensable part of both our private and work lives. Naturally, the question for more secure encryption schemes arose in the past few decades.
One way to achieve con?dentiality in applications, such as online banking, electronic voting, virtual networks etc. are
homomorphic and especially fully homomorphic cryptographic schemes. Fully homomorphic cryptosystems or privacy homomorphisms were introduced by Rivest, Adleman, and Dertouzous in 1978. They asked for a way to allow a third, untrusted party to carry out extensive computation on encrypted data, without having to decrypt fi?rst. The search for fully homomorphic cryptosystems began and ended almost 4 decades later when Craih Gentry published his fully homomorphic method. Although not yet useful for practical applications, it ended the long search for the in 1978 emerged question about the existence of privacy homomorphisms.