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Guest speaker Melanie Volkamer: Usable Security in the Context of Electronic Elections

Guest speaker Melanie Volkamer: Usable Security in the Context of Electronic Elections

The subject of electronic voting has enjoyed several years of considerable interest both from election officials and IT security and cryptography researchers. The interest of election officials is based especially on the possibility to obtain fast and accurate results. Scientists are interested in the balance between anonymity and verifiability. Due to the different interests, there exists a gap between the complex but verifiable election protocols that are discussed in conferences and the black box-systems that are used in practice. This gap, which is also evident in many other applications, can only be closed by methods of the research area called ‘Usable Security’. Recent results on the example of the Helios Internet voting system will be presented during the talk. The presentation will also provide an overview of my previous research in the field of electronic voting and on current and planned projects in the area of ‘Usable Security’.