Timbus projects starts March 1, 2011
The digital preservation problem is well-understood for query-centric information scenarios but has been less explored for scenarios where the important digital information to be preserved is the execution context within which data is processed, analysed, transformed and rendered. Furthermore, preservation is often considered as a set of activities carried out in the isolation of a single domain, without considering the dependencies on third-party services, information and capabilities that will be necessary to validate digital information in a futureusage context.
TIMBUS will endeavour to enlarge the understanding of DP to include the set of activities, processes and tools that ensure continued access to services and software necessary to produce the context within which information can be accessed, properly rendered, validated and transformed into knowledge. One of the fundamental requirements is to preserve the functional and non-functional specifications of services and software, along with their dependencies.
SBA Research
SQS Software Quality systems AG
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
INESC ID – Instituto de engenharia de sistemas e computadores, investigacao e desenvolvimento em Lisboa
iPharro Media GmbH
Intel Performance learning solutions limited
Caixa Magica Software lda
Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas
Digital Preservation Coalition limited by guarantee*DPC