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Guest Talk Prof. Müller: Does the Current Security Research only Solve Known Problems?

Guest Talk Prof. Müller: Does the Current Security Research only Solve Known Problems?

So far, security meant access control. Statistics show that this paradigm becomes less sufficient, therefore applications of cloud computing and service orientation are at risk. One wants not only to have access, but also the assurance that agreements will be fulfilled at any time. This so-called „usage control“ is understood as the known reliability complemented with security and the accuracy of the services. Vulnerabilities allow via an inevitable interference the deriving of information, made possible only through unreliable information flows. The lecture presents the current starting and security situation based on statistics about security breaches. Especially due to the shortcomings of the security research vulnerabilities have occurred which today can be summarized under the term “compliance” and are very difficult to combat. This involves security problems in processes. Therefore, the DFG (German Research Foundation) has established a priority program entitled “Reliably Secure Systems” for which the lecturer is also responsible. The point is to expand the security question beyond access control by incorporating reliability. The practical and technical challenges are in the focus of this presentation.