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Guest Lecture: Using security patterns to develop secure systems (Eduardo B. Fernandez)

Using security patterns to develop secure systems

Eduardo B. Fernandez

Florida Atlantic University

Boca Raton, FL, USA


A security pattern is a special type of software architectural pattern that describes solutions to security problems. We describe our recent results in methodologies to apply security patterns, where we are now and where we are going. In particular we are working on:

Secure software development methodology—This is a general methodology to build secure systems. We have worked in the methodology itself and we are developing now specific aspects of it.

Modeling and Classification of security patterns—We have tried to provide a precise characterization of security patterns that can be used as a basis for classification. A good classification makes the application of the pattern much easier along the software lifecycle.

Misuse patterns– A misuse pattern describes, from the point of view of the attacker, how a type of attack is performed (what units it uses and how), analyzes the ways of stopping the attack by enumerating possible security patterns that can be applied for this purpose, and describes how to trace the attack once it has happened by appropriate collection and observation of forensics data. They can be used in the lifecycle to prevent the occurrence of known types of attacks.

Eduardo B. Fernandez (Eduardo Fernandez-Buglioni) is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. He has published numerous papers on authorization models, object-oriented analysis and design, and security patterns. He has written four books on these subjects, the most recent being a book on security patterns. He has lectured all over the world at both academic and industrial meetings. He has created and taught several graduate and undergraduate courses and industrial tutorials. His current interests include security patterns and web services security and fault tolerance. He holds a MS degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and a Member of ACM. He is an active consultant for industry, including assignments with IBM, Allied Signal, Motorola, Lucent, and others. More details can be found at http://www.cse.fau.edu/~ed