We are proud to announce that our team member Andreas Tomek took the victory in Microsoft’s 2006 Imagine Cup in Delhi, India! We applaud him to his effort, all the more considering he had to beat 27.000(!) contestants from all over the world. The theme of this year’s Imagine Cup was “Imagine a world where technology enables us to live healthier lives”.
Wir geben mit Stolz bekannt, dass unser Team-Mitglied Andreas Tomek den Sieg im Microsoft Imagine Cup 2006 in Delhi, Indien errungen hat! Wir gratulieren ihm zu seiner Leistung, umsomehr, da er gegen 27.000(!) Mitbewerber aus aller Welt bestehen musste. Das Thema des diesjährigen Imagine Cup lautete “Imagine a world where technology enables us to live healthier lives”.